Tips to Help You Get Started Investing in Real Estate

Here are some tips to help you get you started with real estate investing

1. Begin with the end in mind. Answer the following questions:

What do you want to achieve with real estate investing?
Is it financial freedom?
How do you define YOUR financial freedom?
What is it in in terms of money (ex. passive income)?
Is it about time freedom?
Is it about having the freedom for you to pursue your real purpose in life?
Is it about all of the above?
I believe the answers to the questions above can lead to what people call a “Vision”. Actually this is probably the hardest part of the process of getting started, and yet without this, one might end up running around in circles for 48 years. Okay, I’m exaggerating.

Seriously though, this is the first thing you should do, but it can get complicated. For now, I suggest you start forming your “Vision” in your mind and let’s get back to this in another post.

2. Learn as much as you can about real estate transactions in the Philippines.

 If you are going to invest in real estate, you will certainly enter into real estate transactions, so you need to familiarize yourself with the “ins and outs” of these transactions.

If you want to focus on investing in foreclosed properties, you can try attending a real estate auction as an observer and learn as much as you can, before actually buying any foreclosed property. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially when the bank officer says you should have already done your due diligence!

Whether foreclosed or not, you also need to become familiar with the legal aspects of property ownership, real estate taxation, real estate laws in the Philippines, etc. If these sound like what you would find when attending a seminar or review as part of the requirements to become a licensed real estate broker, give yourself a pat on the back because that is my next tip…

3. Attend a seminar/review for aspiring licensed real estate brokers

Do this  not really for the purpose of become a licensed realtor, but more for the knowledge. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt if you did take the real estate brokers exam and passed!

4. Find your niche.

You need to become an “expert” in one area, preferably an area that is near where you live, or where you work, any place that is near you. When I say near, it should be no more than 30 minutes to an hour away. Anything farther might lead to wasting your precious time, money, and effort.

No, you cannot just say you want to invest in Metro Manila. You need to find something smaller, like a village, a barangay, a municipality, or whatever area suits you. You need to be an “expert” so that when an opportunity knocks, you will know if it really is a good deal or not. I believe it is hard to get into this level if you focus on an area that is too big, like the whole of Metro Manila for example.

Don’t believe me? Go ahead, try to focus on the whole of Metro Manila and analyze every “promising” deal that comes your way, and see how fast this will burn you out.

5. “Pay yourself first.” 

I believe the best way to raise capital is to raise your financial literacy so that you can manage your money and start saving for your investment. Don’t think about those “nothing down” real estate deals. If your problem is the lack of money, maybe your problem is the way you handle money.

Going into real estate investing won’t solve the problem of mismanagement of personal finances, whether you have a lot of money or not. You should solve this problem BEFORE you start investing in real estate. The simplest way to start is to pay yourself first. If you have read Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, or David Bach’s “The Automatic Millionaire”, or T. Harv Eker’s “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, or even George S. Clason’s “The Richest Man in Babylon”, you would know the wisdom of paying yourself first.

6. Let people know you are now a real estate investor.

Announce to all of your facebook friends that you now invest in real estate. Send a text message to all the people in your phonebook, and/or send an email to everyone in your contacts list. Just remember that spamming is bad! Don’t forget to get some calling cards, tell people that you meet how they can contact you through this valuable “leave behind” that they can keep and retrieve when the need arises.

7. Join or start your own real estate investors club.

Preferably, join a group with people from the same same area within your niche. It can be a formal real estate club, or just a network of friends that are also involved in real estate investing who meet regularly (how often is up to you, but don’t over do it!).

It would be great if your club or network includes real estate brokers, lawyers, accountants, etc, those who can help you with how things work, specifically in your niche. Aside from making new friends, you may also find mentors and business partners. Just be careful and keep an eye out for people who are out to make a quick buck at your expense…
Brittany Corporation
Brittany Corporation

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