Home Tips that Will Help You to Keep Your Home Clean and Organize

Although cleaning the house is not my favorite activity, I always love the results. That feeling of accomplishment when you see the whole place sparkling justifies the effort. But if you really want your house to sparkle then you must clean it thoroughly. It can be exhausting but there are ways to simplify your work. Here are few tips  that your and your family can use to keep your house clean and organize.

1. Clean your blinds with a sock

Remove the dust from your window blinds using an old tube sock dipped in a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water. Twist the blinds the other direction and repeat.

2. Wash legos in the washing machine

Lego pieces, especially small ones can get very icky and if you want to clean them one by one it would take forever. So put them all in a laundry bag and into the washing machine. Add some soap and then simply take them out and let them dry.

3. Clean the inside and outside of your fridge

Scrub stains and dirt spots on the exterior of the fridge using a damp cloth sprinkled with baking soda. To clean the inside of your fridge, take out all your food and remove the shelves. Then wash the interior with water and dish-washing soap. Do the same with the shelves and bins before you dry and return them. Just make sure to unplug or turn off your fridge before cleaning the inside.

4. Make your grill non-stick with an onion

Getting ready for a barbeque? Don’t forget the onion. That’s right, you need an onion if you want to make your grill non-stick. Just cut the onion in half and rub the cut side on the heated grill grate.

5. Use a coffee filter to clean your computer screen

Forget special lint-free cloths. A basic coffee filter is all you need to remove dust and fingerprints from the gunked-up screens on your TV, computer, or tablet.

6. Remove pet hair with rubber gloves

If you have a cat or a dog then I’m sure you’re at war with all the hair then leave around the house. But it’s not that difficult to remove all that hair. All you need is a pair of rubber gloves. Run your hand over the upholstery and the hair with cling to the glove.

7. Iron out your carpet stains

Spray your stain with a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts water. Place a wet rag over the stain, set your iron to “steam,” and iron on top of the rag for about 30 seconds to thoroughly remove it.

8. Clean the bathroom faucet with lemon

Instead of using all sorts of cleaning products which may or may not be toxic, try instead a more natural approach. For example, you can clean the bathroom faucet with lemon. Cut a lemon in half and scrub the hard water stains on any fixture.

9. Wipe down your shower walls with vinegar and dish soap

Mix one part dish soap with one part vinegar to scrub your shower walls and get that grimy grout sparkling white. Clean it right before you shower so you can rinse everything off easily.

10. Wipe down your bookshelves with a magnetic cloth

Just because your bookcase is organized doesn’t mean it’s not seriously dirty. Bookshelves, as well as the tops of books, can hold a lot of dust and dirt. For a thorough clean, wipe the tops and spines of your books with a magnetic cloth. Then remove everything from your shelves and wipe them down with a damp microfiber cloth. Not enough space on your bookcase for your favorite novels? You might want to decide what books to keep or get rid of. And store the ones you do keep in any of these 9 creative book storage hacks for small apartments.

Brittany Corporation
Brittany Corporation

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