6 Awesome Eco-friendly Activities To Do This Earth Day

Earth Day reminds us why environmental conservation and stewardship are important, and encourages us to form a personal connection with nature.

Just in case you're scratching your head wondering what to do this Earth Day, we've rounded up a list of our favorite Eco-activities that will help remind you why you love living on this planet so much. In honor of the movement's political history, which dates all the way back to 1970, we've included suggestions that promote a little extra earth-loving care as well as a renewed sense of connection to this beautiful place we call home. Although we believe that every day should be Earth Day, we hope you will join millions of people across the globe on April 22nd to do at least one thing that will make our planet a better place to live.

Here are a few Eco-friendly activities you can do today (or any day) to celebrate and cherish our planet.

Volunteer for an Environmental Charity

Earth Day is an excellent day to volunteer. There are countless charities all over the planet that are raising money, cleaning up rivers, teaching classes, and in general engaging in the kind of earth-friendly work that will not only last today, but that will continue throughout the rest of the year. If you’re not sure about where to spend your valuable resources, contact the Earth Day organizers and they will direct you to the most suitable program for you.

Plant a Tree

It might sound like a bit of a cliche, but planting trees is by far one of the most important gifts we can give back to the planet and to ourselves. Global warming is caused by a buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere (such as carbon dioxide and methane), which traps heat on the planet. But trees have the ability to suck up carbon dioxide, which is why the Amazon and other forests are so important. If every person on the planet plants one tree, that amounts to nearly 7 billion new carbon sponges. You can plant a tree in your own backyard, or join a group.

Clean Out Your Closet and Donate to a Charity

It may not always be so obvious, but manufacturing new clothing requires both energy and water, and there are many people who don’t have money to buy their own. So this Earth Day, why not clean out your overstuffed closet and then donate those t-shirts and shorts you haven’t worn in years to a local charity. Not only will this make you feel good about lightening your load, but the people who receive your lightly used clothing will so thankful you’ll wonder if it’s Christmas and not Earth Day!

Get Involved in a Community Garden

If you have never experienced the magic of rolling up your sleeves and digging up some earth, then now is the perfect opportunity. Gardening is a wonderful way to reflect on how much we depend on the earth for our survival. If you don’t have your own garden or you live in a city, don’t fret. A quick google search should lead you to at least one communal garden or rooftop garden and we’re almost certain they won’t turn down your help. Plus you’ll get to meet new people who love the planet as much as you.

Go Vegan or Vegetarian for the Day

If you’re already a vegetarian or vegan then this might not be for you, but if you eat meat then this is something that you can do that will make a staggering difference. Both raising beef and the pesticides used are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention meat’s harmful impact on your health. For one day, why not try eating a delicious vegan or vegetarian meal. If you keep an open mind you’ll be surprised how delicious it can be. If you’re not confident about your own cooking, go with a friend to a vegan or vegetarian restaurant in your area. Just for a day. You never know, it might become a habit.

Take a Hike

There is no better way to get back in touch with the Earth’s rhythms than to actually go outdoors and experience its many wonders. This Earth Day, why not take a hike or go for a bike ride? Maybe even go kayaking? The point is, get outdoors, breathe the air, feel the sun on your cheeks and absorb some vitamin D. Even if you live in the city and don’t have easy access to a lot of green space, you’d be amazed how even spending a short amount of time in an urban park will rejuvenate your soul.
Brittany Corporation
Brittany Corporation

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